Costume Jewelry A Practical Handbook & Value Guide

I began collecting as a child. First, there were stamps and coins. Then, in 1965, as a teenager, I visited the attic of a turn of the century house my father had bought several years earlier. There, I found many old objects, including a trunk filled with vintage clothing, a few pieces of jewelry, and old books. Among the books were the memoirs of a teenage girl written in the 1890s and an 1848 edition of the history of Wisconsin, plus many nineteenth century first editions. I ignored the jewelry, but overnight, became an avid collector of rare books. While in college, I began buying Oriental rugs and later American Indian artifacts. Soon, I was stricken with the disease of collecting many different objects, most of which I could not display because oflack of space.

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Table of Contents:





Chapter 1 - An Introduction

Chapter 2 - The Early 1900s

Chapteh 3 - American Costume Jewelry

Chapter 4 - Unmarked Costume Jewelry

Chapter 5 - Imported Costume Jewelry

Chapter 6 - Gold Filled and Silver Jewelry

Chapter 7 - Brass, Copper, Pewter, Tin and Other Metals

Chapter 8 - Plastic Jewelry

Chapter 9 - Bead and Simulated Pearl Jewelry

