Collector's Guide to Barbie Doll Vinyl Cases Identification and Values

The first Lime I noticed Barbie® doll, the year was 1963, and I was five years old. I had been taken to a toy store to choose presents for my birthday, and I noticed the Barbie® doll display l'or the first time. That afternoon I carefully selected a blonde ponytail Barbie® doll and two outfits - After Pive and Fancy Free. I was not encouraged to play with dolls and so, although 1 was given more lovely gifts than I knew what to do with. I did not receive a Barbie® doll that year.

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Table of Contents:




About the Author


Chapter One - Barbie® Doll Cases

Chapter Two - Barbie® & Family Doll Trunks

Chapter Three - Ken, Midge Francie Doll Cases

Chapter Four - Skipper, Skooter & Tutti Doll Cases

Chapter Five - Hat Boxes, Lunch Boxes & Travel Pals

Chapter Six - Barbie & Family Hard Plastic Doll Trunks

Chapter Seven - Structures & Room Cases

Chapter Eight - Vintage Barbie & Doll Vinyl Products

Chapter Nine - Modern Barbie Doll Cases & Trunks

Chapter Ten - The Crown Jewels of Vintage Vinyl