Imperial Glass Encyclopedia: From M-Z

Imperial Glass produced millions of items, many unattributed by collectors today. Imperial did it all -- blowing, pressing, cutting, etching, and more. The third volume of this series is packed with information on Imperial's history, including photos, fearing art glass, animal figurines, covered dishes, and all topics and paterns from "M" to "Z". Well illustrated throughout, the 80 color pages feature both original photos and outstanding reprints from Imperial catalogs. A comprehensive index lists all subjects covered in both Volume I and II. Volume II has surprises for even the most knowledgeable collectors.

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Table of Contents:


Table of Contents

Introduction and Acknowledgments

M Section

N Section

O Section

P Section

R Section

S Section

T Section

U section

V Section

W Section

Y Section

Z Section

Color Plate Descriptions

Logos Signs and Paperweights

Milk Glass


Value Guide 1999-2000