Confederate States Paper Money

With the secess ion of South Carolina on December 20, 1860 the Union, "one and inseparable," was a Union no longer. The igniting spark was the question of s lavery but the North and South - one industrial, the other agrarian - had been drawing apart in many ways since Colonial times. Other states in the South, following South Carolina's lead, seceded early in 1861. Jefferson Davis became President on February 9. At that time the Confederacy consisted of seven states. Following the fall of Fort Sumter on April 14, six more states seceded by the encl of the year. On April 15, 1861 President Lincoln cleclarecl that " insurrection" existed and called for volunteer troops. The South soon recognized that it could not .peacefully part ways with the North. On May 6 the Confederate Congress made known that a state of war existed between the U.S. and Confederate States. It was to last four bloody years.

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