George Armstrong Custer and Little Big Horn: Collection of Seventy-One Reference Works

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George Armstrong Custer and Little Big Horn: Collection of Seventy-One Reference Works. Extensive "library" of books, monographs and magazines dealing with Custer, ranging in age from the late 19th century to current times. Some of the "better" titles include: The Story of the Little Big Horn by Lt. Col. W. A. Graham, The Fighting Cheyennes by George Bird Grinnell, Legend into History: The Custer Mystery by Charles Kuhlman, Twenty Years Among Our Hostile Indians by J. Lee Humfreville, Custer's Luck by Edgar I. Stewart and Fort Custer on the Little Big Horn edited by Richard Upton (signed). Condition varies, but generally good or better. A complete list appears in the extended description on-line. Seventy-one [71] items altogether. HID03201242017 Grade: 0, Service: Other, Service No.: 0